
by Viktor Hansson on 20 May 2015, 09:21

Tags: nordsken skelleftea

This is a somewhat unusual topic for this blog, which is usually about tech/programming tips and stuff. This time I have decided to try to write a short summary of my recent trip back "home" to Skellefteå.

See, here in Sweden we like to celebrate everything we can, and somehow we have days off from work quite often. Just this past weekend was something called "kristi himmelfärdsdag", which I assume is when Mr. Jesus supposedly flew up to the heavens. So we are free on thursday and many of us are free on Friday as well, because whats the point of working one day and then have weekend again?

And since most people are free during this nice long weekend some people in Skellefteå arrange a rather large LAN this time of year. Which I attended last year. And which I intended to attend this year as well. However living 150 mil (~1000 miles) away this posed some troubles. But after clearing the living arrangement with blankycan I stuffed my 15 kg (~30 pounds) desktop into a suitcase I yet again traveled to the place I cannot escape.

What followed was a great long weekend spent at the LAN as well as some splendid days spent with the Frostingers.

And to finish, here's a picture :D

About Me

This is my personal blog where I might write some interesting stuff. I have some examples of 3D javascript/webgl things in the works which should be done in the comming months, so be sure to return somewhat regularely.


Internet Cryptography Series

See also...

Andréas Söderberg