Rant of the day: Java debugging

by Aidenir on 19 September 2014, 13:50

Tags: rotd rant

Hi all!
Time for a short rant concerning my current problem with debugging Java code.

You see, I come from a background of almost exclusively C++ development and have recently been thrown into a rather large scale Java project. Since my previous experience of Java consists of two quite simple Android apps, I have never had to debug much Java code. 

As I understand the way Java is debugged, the debugger is just connected to the virtual environment the code is run in, pretty much whenever, wherever. This part I love, its really simple to get up and running. However then comes the next part: actually debugging the code in your project.

And the philosophy of Java (in my opinion at least) is that nothing, NOTHING, should ever be done twice. Whatever you wish to implement, you can find in some library or framework. And to keep the number of lines of code down you get all these smart things like annotations (and Apache Camel routes), which means that you never actually call your own functions. Everything is done through some framework, rendering the callstack in the debugger completely useless. So when you're thrown into a project where you have no idea what anything does, it's almost impossible to get a good understanding of the flow of the code. This of course means bugs. Unsolvable bugs...

Thats it for this first installment of my Rant Of The Day series.
See you (probably tomorrow).

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This is my personal blog where I might write some interesting stuff. I have some examples of 3D javascript/webgl things in the works which should be done in the comming months, so be sure to return somewhat regularely.


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Andréas Söderberg