Got my license

by Viktor Hansson on 08 May 2016, 08:28

Tags: motorcycle

I finally got my motorcycle license last wednesday! So now I've ridden for 2 days straight (got sick yesterday so no riding then), for a total of about 450km (279 miles).
Here are some pics I've taken

First motorcycle mod

by Viktor Hansson on 05 April 2016, 16:05

Tags: private motorcycle

To quote the one and only Mr. Snowcat: Yoyoyoyoyo!

This weekend I finally got to ride my own bike out in traffic. Together with my father (can't ride alone yet :( )I drove the 20km out to Höllviken. Mostly fun twisting roads I'm quite happy with how the bike rides.

And last week I decided to install my first modification to the bike: a 12v outlet. Quite a simple mod, requiring only a little bit of understanding for electrical systems and the ability to read this instructable. It details every step of the process, as well as all the required material and tools. I bought all the material at Kjell, which came in at a total of 120SEK. Some extra wire and cabelshoes I already had.

Here's the relay loosely wired into the taillight plug, just to verify that it worked

By using a relay, the outlet is only powered when the ignition is on, which means the battery won't drain (hopefully).
This mod is mainly to be able to charge my phone when using it as a GPS, so next up is figuring out where I can mount the phone. With only clip-ons and not real handlebar this is a bit more challenging.

About Me

This is my personal blog where I might write some interesting stuff. I have some examples of 3D javascript/webgl things in the works which should be done in the comming months, so be sure to return somewhat regularely.


Internet Cryptography Series

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Andréas Söderberg