Steam Summer Sale

by Viktor Hansson on 04 July 2014, 21:40

Tags: gaming steam sale personal

So the Steam summer sale ended a few days ago and I thought I would share which games I bought this first summer after purchasing a gaming computer:
  • Payday 2 + all DLC 17.96€
  • Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons 2.99€
  • Beat Hazard + all DLC 6.57€
  • Payday: The Heist  + DLC 2.43€
Total: 29.95€ (278,79SEK) 
Although I haven't yet played Brothers or Payday: The Heist I would have to say it was a good deal for the other two games which I have had some great fun playing so far. And as I have quite a busy schedule the coming weeks with the move back home as well as a game in development I won't have time to play them, but someday I will. Someday I will...
Moving back to Malmö

by Viktor Hansson on 30 June 2014, 16:52

Tags: misc personal

So my time in Skellefteå has  come to an end and its time for me to return south. I have lived and studied in this city for almost three years now, although it feels like it has been much longer. I have learned extremely much about programming, which has made me realize just how little I actually know. I have made some really good friends along the way, whom I hope to keep contact with.

But all good things must come to an end. And that time has come. Next on my agenda is to move all my stuff back home, a good 140 mil, which is harder than I first envisioned. The current plan is to rent a car from Avis, stuff it with stuff, drive all the way, and then return it at Sturup airport. And I recently found out that my parents would pay for the rental car as my graduation gift, which is really nice.

And while I do this I'm also working on a game together with a graphical artist which we hope should be finished by the end of August, perhaps with some bugfixing though.

About Me

This is my personal blog where I might write some interesting stuff. I have some examples of 3D javascript/webgl things in the works which should be done in the comming months, so be sure to return somewhat regularely.


Internet Cryptography Series

See also...

Andréas Söderberg